WBTT Designs

About Us

The ultimate objective of #we’rebetterthanthis TM is to create and sustain a “movement” that enables people (all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religions, spiritualities, ideologies, and esoteric affiliations) to align with a unifying goal to be purposeful, and deliberate in positive interactions with those they encounter on a daily basis.

Let’s challenge the status quo! Positive change is made because we recognize the challenge but also remain open-minded to plausible solutions that have the potential to address the issue. We all don’t have to agree but we must agree to listen without being offended. Violence begats violence and should never be an option in conflict resolution.
In this crazy world, we need each other now more than ever. Struggles are real across all facets of life. Kindness is key. Self-centeredness is the beginning of our demise as a society. We are not only individuals but a collection of individuals that make up the communities in which we live, work, and accumulate experiences.

We must learn to be good neighbors not only in words but in our deeds. There is no greater love than for an individual to make sacrifices for good to uplift their neighbor. Our neighbor is the individual in the grocery store, at the mall, in the workplace, and everywhere there is human-to-human interaction. Our personal networks, communities, cities, and the world will be a better place when we are better to and for each other.

A portion of the proceeds from our sales will contribute to efforts to develop community minded youth leaders. Thanks in advance for your support!
15 yrs


50 +


20 k


90 K

Motivated People